Upgrading Jethro

Upgrading Jethro

This section provides an overview of the upgrade procedures for Jethro. 

The procedures for upgrading Jethro differ depending on the version of Jethro that you are upgrading from.

It is recommended to follow the upgrade instruction of every release, starting from the version you are upgrading from, until the one you are upgrading to.

For a smooth upgrade, be sure to first also review the important version-specific information found in the release notes, for every version relevant for your upgrade process, as it could have an impact on Jethro's functionality and performance.

Table of contents

Upgrading procedure

To upgrade Jethro Server, apply the following steps on each Jethro query node machine:

  1. Read the version specific upgrade notes which are relevant for your upgrade process, and perform all the steps which are required to be made, before starting the upgrade process.
  2. Sign in as the user admin for jethro (usually 'jethro')
  3. Stop all the services of Jethro's instances, by running:

    service jethro stop
  4. Sign in as user root.
  5. Download the latest RPM of Jethro.
  6. Run the command:

    RPM -Uvh <jethro-rpm>

    For example:
    rpm -Uvh latest-rpm

  7. Stop all the services of Jethro's instances, by running:

    service jethro start
  8. Read again, the version specific upgrade notes which are relevant for your upgrade process, and perform all the steps which are required to be made, after finishing the upgrade process.

Version specific Upgrade Notes

Jethro 3.4

Before upgrade: stop all loads and stop JethroLoadsScheduler service (service jethro stop instance-name] loadscheduler)
Confirm the load scheduler event drop folder is empty (ls storage-root-path]/instance-name]/loads/drop)

After upgrade to 3.4 it is mandatory to run upgrade tool over each existing instance.
upgradeTo3.4_MultiSchema <instance> <ip/localhost>:<port> -u <user> -p <pass>

This tool create system schema "sys" and move jethro system tables to "sys" schema

See also

Release notes