Downloading and Installing Jethro Guide

Downloading and Installing Jethro Guide

Jethro can be downloaded and installed either via Amazon Market Place or on existing Linux server.

Installing Jethro via Amazon Market Place

Amazon AWS instance can be used to run a Jethro server. All you need is an Amazon AWS account and you can run a Jethro server in a matter of minutes via Amazon Market Place.

  1. Go to Amazon Market Place.
  2. Search for Jethro on the search bar.

  3. Select Jethro Accelerator Engine

  4. Follow Amazon instructions to launch your server: select your instance type, VPC Settings, the Security Group and the Key Pair. Once all definitions are set, launch the instance.

    If you use your own security group, make sure ports 9111 to 9120 are opened as Jethro uses one of them by default.

  5. Go to your instances and search for your instance. Copy the public IP address of the instance and use it to login to the instance using ssh with the key you provided in the instance creation and the user ec2-user.
  6. The machine contains a directory called scripts in the ec2-user home directory. The scripts directory contains the following scripts: 
    upgradeJethro.sh – For upgrading to the latest Jethro software. 
    mountVolumes.sh – To mount the extra volumes that were added when creating the instance. 
    mountS3Bucket.sh – To mount an Amazon S3 bucket as a file system. 
    unmountS3Bucket.sh – To unmount an Amazon S3 bucket file system.
  7. Run the script upgradeJethro.sh to make sure you use the latest Jethro release:


  8. You can use the mountVolumes.sh script to automatically mount the volumes to be used for Jethro cache and storage:


    After running the script, you can use the command:

    df –h 

    You should see a volume mounted to /Jethro. Inside this directory, you will find 2 sub directories cache and instances which can be used for cache and data storage respectively. The script also adds the mounts to the /etc/fstab file so that the volumes will be automatically mounted after reboot.

Installing Jethro on Existing Linux Server

If you already installed Jethro via Amazon Market Place, you may skip this section and continue to Installing Configurations.

The installation of Jethro is a straightforward process, which automatically creates and configures the Jethro OS user and Linux service. Make sure your server meets the prerequisites as detailed in section Installation Options and Prerequisites.

  1. Connect to the Linux server and switch to user root by running the command:

    sudo su - root
  2. Retrieve the most updated jethro.rpm file, by running the command: 

    wget http://jethro.io/latest-rpm
  3. Run the following command to install the newly downloaded RPM file: 

    rpm -Uvh {downloaded RPM file}
  4. Verify Jethro was installed by switching to user jethro:

    sudo su – jethro

     Then check the installed version by running the command:

    Jethro v

For further details about installing Jethro, see Jethro Installation Guide.

Installing Configurations

Jethro can be installed and run on any of the following configurations:

  • In Hadoop environent – Install the software on edge node and store all data generated by Jethro on HDFS. For further details, see Installing Jethro on Hadoop.
  • In non-hadoop environment - You can install Jethro on a single server or multiple servers, and store Jethro instance on POSIX or on a shared storage such as NFS or EFS.