Version 3.8.0 | Version 3.7.0 | Version 3.5.0 | Version 3.3.0 | Version 3.0.0
JD-6411 Allow non-standard Boolean case expressions to pass ODBC parser
Bug Fixes
JD-6321 ODBC parsetree.log file removal
Bug Fixes
JD-5914 Expose SQL functions LCASE() and UCASE() supported from Jethro 3.4.6
Bug Fixes
JD-5914 ODBC V3.8.0 hangs when connecting from Tableau on Windows 7
Bug Fixes
JD-5915 Remove settings that cause Tableau to send unsupported functions LCASE, UCASE
New Features
JD-5811 Report new function: Left(string, int)
Bug Fixes
JD-5816 String functions not reported by ODBC: lowercase, uppercase, length
Bug Fixes
JD-5663 Data type names inconsistency between SQLGetTypeInfo and SQLColumns
New Features
JD-4469 Add test connection button
JD-4825 Tableau TDC - suppress warnings about data source limitations
Bug Fixes
JD-5600 Cancel query signaled from Tableau is not received by ODBC
JD-5084 Add to Tableau TDC: CAP_QUERY_WHERE_FALSE_METADATA='yes' (optimized as of version 3.3.1)
JD-5093 Add to Tableau TDC: CAP_QUERY_TOP_0_METADATA='yes' (optimized as of version 3.3.1)
Bug Fixes
JD-5302 Tableau hangs following session disconnection (ODBC returned status is not identified by Tableau)
New Features
JD-5305 Support ODBC GetTables() & GetColumns() for specific schema/table API as SHOW FULL TABLES in <schema/table>
New Features
JD-4827 Queries load balancing - skip busy nodes
New Features
JD-4983 Support both old and new timestamps formats depending on server version
JD-4977 Allow alias name length of up to 128 characters (previously was 64 characters)
Bug Fixes
JD-4937 Tableau: Connection with multiple servers in DSN-less mode fails. Semicolon seprator (;) breaks connection string parse. Add support for colon (,) seperator for DSN-less connection string
JD-4151 Allow INSERT INTO via ODBC
JD-4466 Support standard attributes in the ODBC connection string (SERVER, DATABASE)
Bug Fixes
JD-3566 Create and drop table not allowed via ODBC
JD-4020 Expose server version via ODBC API
JD-4495 Drop view not allow via ODBC
JD-4705 Driver version property via SQLgetInfo return SDK version instead of ODBC version